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My name is Peter Rowntree. I created
flat grey wall
because of things I hate.
I hate greed and delusion.
I hate tribalism and exclusion.
I hate that human life might be just chimps picking nits off other chimps.
I hate that art might be just involuntary bower bird behavior.
I hate "professionalism".
One night I was having a conversation about online art galleries with my friend Jessica Rath, the photographer. She sometimes does websites and had sent me a bunch of URL's of art sites that someone had told her were how online art galleries should look. I
hated them all
. I hated the repulsive slickness, the ubiquitous Flash movies, the lists of awards and shows, the gratuitous curves, the drop shadows, the illusions of glossy transparent candy. At that moment I decided I wanted to make an online gallery whose touchstone was radical simplicity, a site that was about The Art Itself, one that got out of the art's way, an online art gallery for the disenfranchised bearers of Truth, for the voices in the wilderness, for loser maniac artists "burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night", in short, a place where
would like to have my work.
Flat grey wall is an online gallery for Art That Can Speak For Itself.
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